Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nadine O' Connor : Website Update...


All the local & national press pages and the media page have been updated to include all the latest press coverage. Where radio interviews are still available on iPlayer you will find those links. I will be in the next few days ensuring copies of all media interviews will be put on our dedicated YouTube channel so they are not lost after 7 days.

I have also added a Press Releases page and this will be update shortly. In addition to this I have also activated the comments section on the Blog. When I stated writing pieces for my blog back in 2010 I was not really sure how much interest there would be in what I had to say but as time has gone on I believe now is the time to get feedback on the things I campaign for.

As you will read it is not just family law reform that I hold passionate beliefs about, I also have particular interests in town planning, market town development and transport. I hope you find the site useful.

Thank you, Nadine
