Friday, May 4, 2012

#PoliceState :MATT O'CONNOR BANNED from entering the City Westminster on Wednesday - the day of the State Opening of Parliament

BREAKING NEWS: MATT O'CONNOR BANNED from entering the City Westminster on Wednesday - the day of the State Opening of Parliament (even though he works there) PLUS banned from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (Even though his name isn't Trenton Oldfield and he hasn't used arm bands since he was six) PLUS they attempted to ban him from going within 100 yards of the Olympic Torch Route even though he lives within 100 yards of the route. Apparently a nice welcoming committee greeted him at Charing Cross Police Station at 1.00am today - update from Matt later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

#F4J :#Mumsnet - Their Cult Agenda Does That Include Supporting Member Jane Tanner Who Framed An Innocent Man ?...

How well do members of mumsnet know fellow member Jane Tanner, do they know she tried along with friends of McCann to frame innocent Robert Murat for the fabricated abduction of Madeleine McCann..? How many members of mumsnet are aware that their member Jane Tanner knows EXACTLY what happened to Maddie and that it was not an abduction?

Mumsnet member Jane Tanner : Criminal Complaint by Robert Murat

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

#F4J :Scandal of 'unqualified' experts who advise our family courts: Decisions about the care of thousands of children...

Life-changing decisions about the care of thousands of children are routinely being made on flawed evidence from poorly qualified ‘experts’ in the family courts, a damning study reveals.

More than a fifth of these vital reports are being produced by people who are completely unqualified, the Channel 4 News investigation found.
‘Experts’ used in hundreds of family court proceedings are frequently unqualified or unreliable, the study reveals.

In some cases, reports on parents or children are being given to courts by doctors who have not even seen the individuals concerned.

Shocking: Life-changing decisions about the care of thousands of children are routinely being made on flawed evidence from poorly qualified 'experts' in the family courts, a damning study reveals
Shocking: Life-changing decisions about the care of thousands of children are routinely being made on flawed evidence from poorly qualified 'experts' in the family courts, a damning study reveals
Until now, these ‘expert witnesses’ – often psychologists or psychiatrists – have largely escaped scrutiny due to the draconian secrecy surrounding the family courts.

But in a unique study for the Family Justice Council, Professor Jane Ireland – a forensic psychologist who has herself been an expert witness – examined over 100 expert witness reports used in family court cases.
Incredibly, she found that 20 per cent had been produced by people who were not qualified at all.

A further fifth had been carried out by people who were writing reports in areas entirely beyond their knowledge and qualifications.

Concerned: One mother involved in family court proceedings told how a psychiatrist who had never seen her wrote a 14-page report on her and her family
Concerned: One mother involved in family court proceedings told how a psychiatrist who had never seen her wrote a 14-page report on her and her family

In addition, as many as 90 per cent of the reports had been produced by ‘expert’ witnesses who were no longer in current practice at all, but were simply working as ‘professional expert witnesses’.

Often, these professional experts – who rake in thousands of pounds in fees from the chaotic family courts system – have not practised for years, leaving them out of touch with developments in their field.

They are often appointed to assess the suitability of a parent or parents to continue to look after their child in care proceedings brought by local councils.

They can also be used in access cases following the separation of a child’s parents.
Thousands of children have their futures decided in the family courts every year and because of strict rules on what can be reported, often little is revealed about what happens once the court doors are closed.

In the past, parents have bitterly complained that they have not even been allowed to know the names of the paid expert witnesses who testified against them.

That has now changed but Professor Ireland, of the University of Central Lancashire, said 65 of the 100 reports she examined were ‘poorly’ or ‘very poorly’ carried out.
Some reports were found to ‘cite opinion without conducting a formal assessment’ or show a complete lack of understanding of the conditions discussed.

One was even found to have ‘completed an assessment on the mother without actually seeing her’.

Professor Ireland said an ‘urgent review’ of expert witnesses in the family courts was needed.

‘I think we were very concerned and perturbed by some of the reports that we read,’ she told Channel 4 News.

‘Some of the most startling results were the sheer number of expert psychologists . . . who are reporting that their entire job is the production of assessment reports for courts.

‘I think the results from the research are enough to suggest that we do need an urgent review across the range of expert witnesses that the courts are employing.’

The Family Justice Council is an independent public body set up in 2004 and funded by the Ministry of Justice.

It is charged with monitoring the family justice system and advising the Government and the courts on how the system can be improved.

One mother involved in family court proceedings told how a psychiatrist who had never seen her wrote a 14-page report on her and her family.

The day after the psychiatrist signed off his report he was suspended by the General Medical Council for a separate offence.

Despite this, his report was still used by the courts.

‘He’s never seen us, never spoken to us,’ she said, ‘and yet he’s ended up writing 14 pages, with recommendations, that he could not possibly have made if he had spoken to any of us or had he read through the court papers.’

She said her custody case dragged on for five years because of the competing testimonies of no fewer than eight expert witnesses.

‘The court system in England is barbaric,’ she said.

‘It does not allow parents to be given a voice, it doesn’t allow their children to be given a voice.

‘But what it does instead is it focuses on employing expert witnesses – at huge expense.’

Nigel Priestley, a family solicitor in Huddersfield, said: ‘If the statistics are that 20 per cent are unqualified, that is not just a mess, that is staggering.’

For the full report, see Channel 4 News on March 13 at 7pm.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#Fathers4Justice v #Gingerbread - An Open letter To Gingerbread AND Waiting For A Response !

Dear Sirs,

I am the founder of Fathers 4 Justice.

We are concerned that your CEO and organisation continues to mislead the public by claiming that the family courts act in the Child’s Best Interests.

To date you have not supplied any information to support this claim – i.e. Any evidence of the outcomes for children who have been through the family courts.

You have supplied a reference to a document which refers to the ‘outcomes for applications’ but does not deal with the outcomes for children.

Given that you are repeatedly making what appears to be a deliberately misleading and false claim in the media without being able to support this, we ask you to again supply the evidence you are relying on before the end of this week.

If Gingerbread is unable to support this claim, can you confirm you will withdraw this claim and cease to make it media interviews.

Should Gingerbread continue to mislead the public, we will take the appropriate action to rectify this publicly through lawful protest and or legal action.


Matt O’Connor

Founder, Fathers4Justice

New Fathers 4 Justice And The Olympic Games - The Taking Down Of Facebook And Twitter Can Only Be Under The Order's Of The British Goverment

Activists will today step up our preparations to disrupt the London 2012 Olympics after Government proposals reject equality for fathers after family breakdown.

New Fathers 4 Justice activists will today step up our preparations to disrupt the London 2012 Olympics after Government proposals reject equality for fathers after family breakdown.

Nothing less than an automatic presumption of equal contact with the children when the parents split as a starting point will do. This will give both parents equal parity of rights to see the children and leave the family courts to deal with the more serious cases.

Government proposals do not go far enough and will still happen bend the closed doors of the secret family courts so the public will not even be able to see if these new proposals are being applied!

New Fathers 4 Justice also demand a completely open transparent family court system with the same enforcement power for mothers that break court order as fathers who do not pay the CSA face now.

The whole present Family Court system is a complete pantomime farce at best.Fathers are being made redundant in the family courts. As one dad said to me recently, I used to be a dad, now I’ve been made redundant and instead of a redundancy package, I now have to pay through the nose for the privilege of not seeing my kids!

#Fathers4Justice : Children Speak Out ' End Our Silence'

#Fathers4Justice :#Sweden - Closed Courts & Kidnapped Kids: Eugenic Genocide (Part 1 - 2)


Do you know your child’s life can be easily destroyed if someone doesn’t like you with a single anonymous phone call?

The system that makes the decisions is a highly imperfect process with over 85% of the decisions being officially unfounded.

Anyone can easily be cut off from communication with their child (as it happened to me). In family court law today you are treated as “guilty” until proven “not guilty”.

There is no jury of your peers in family court or in any lower court. The constitution does not apply now in all lower courts, including the family court.

Judges have taken an oath against the constitution not to hear any fact or try any law.

Everyone from the court judge: in my case court worker Susan Knipps (ACS unit 420), Joan Tanrenbaum (ACS prosecutor), court psychologist, Kevin Lapp (Law Guardian), Rose Burke (child protective worker), and other social service investigators are only some of the forces that are a raid against our son and I, converting fraudulent retaliatory pretextually assumptions of guilt into guilt.

Dr. David Jubb
28 December 2011
Stockholm, Sweden

Our son was practically put to death by court worker Knipps. He went into a non-thriving state from exacerbated abandonment and kidnapping. You have to read about this in my article titled “Child Pimp Services can Wreak Havoc on your Life”. Our son suffered hypocapnia and bi-carbonate loss from uncontrolled crying that resulted in respiratory alkalosis.

Our son lost a lot of his weight and he was only two. He went into a non-thriving state and was put into intensive care. Our son suffered respiratory alkalosis which can injure neurology and physiology for life. It is estimated that today in the USA twenty six thousand children are taken on average in each state and most will never see family again.

After many days of abandonment our son didn’t look human anymore. His hair was like straw and his eyes and mouth bone dry. He had a tremor and shivered. His head movement had a slight twitch and he was wet, and with diarrhea. He was cold and his heart rate very slow and weak. His eyes were distant. He had been vaccinated and had four huge knots as big as fists in his more

#Fathers4Justice: Parenting Law Has Dangers Says Clark

Kenneth Clarke, the Justice Secretary, admitted yesterday that there were "dangers" in his plans to give stronger rights to divorced and separated parents to see their children.
He stopped short of guaranteeing equal access, but confirmed proposals to change the law to stress the importance of both parents maintaining links with their children.

He insisted the courts would still decide whether contact was "safe and in the child's best interests", and said new legislation would make clear a "meaningful relationship is not about equal division of time, but the quality of parenting".

Mr Clarke overruled the conclusion of former senior civil servant, David Norgrove, who conducted a review into the issue. The latter raised fears that enshrining the right in law could backfire, saying a similar move in Australia led to delays in settling disputes over custody.

But Mr Clarke said: "We are stating what I think is the view of most people... that both parents have responsibilities and rights towards their children and the children are entitled to try and maintain contact with both parents. We are going to state that principle in the law."

#Fathers4Justice :#gingerbread Buckle And Refuse To Share RADIO SOLENT Air Time With Nadine O'Connor

#Fathers4Justice Govt #familylaw : Advert And Response To Government Family Law Reform Proposals - Page 10 Of The Independent Newspaper .

Via Twitter

Nadine O'Connor @NadineOC

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nadine O' Connor : Website Update...


All the local & national press pages and the media page have been updated to include all the latest press coverage. Where radio interviews are still available on iPlayer you will find those links. I will be in the next few days ensuring copies of all media interviews will be put on our dedicated YouTube channel so they are not lost after 7 days.

I have also added a Press Releases page and this will be update shortly. In addition to this I have also activated the comments section on the Blog. When I stated writing pieces for my blog back in 2010 I was not really sure how much interest there would be in what I had to say but as time has gone on I believe now is the time to get feedback on the things I campaign for.

As you will read it is not just family law reform that I hold passionate beliefs about, I also have particular interests in town planning, market town development and transport. I hope you find the site useful.

Thank you, Nadine

#Facebook #Twitter #CENSOR : Fathers 4 Justice !!!!

BREAKING NEWS - The Fathers 4 Justice Facebook page has been taken down following the taking down of the Twitter account. We believe this is part of widespread plan to silence F4J.

#Sweden : Father's Rights - The Undisputed Truth !

Report Confirms Father's Will Have No Rights